Get the freshest produce to your door within an hour thanks to ChefChef, the new delivery service. 2020 has been a tough ride for independent traders, especially those at The Moor Market which was forced to close during look down. Many of these traders are long running family businesses who rely on the market to be open to survive.
Unfortunately, even after reopening, the market has been much quieter than usual. To help these independent businesses who provide high quality, fresh produce that you won’t in the supermarket CityGrab are launching ChefChef.Store, a service that will make it easier to do your weekly shop from home whilst helping these independents.
On launch, 30 of the markets 70 traders will be on there which will include fruit, veg, meat and specialist international produce and you can choose when you want your order to be delivered.
The business pays a fee based on their turnover, the customer pays for the delivery (by CityTaxis, Sheffield independent taxi firm).
It’s win-win for Sheffield’s independents, even in tier 3!
ChefChef.Store is coming soon. Keep an eye on Facebook for updates.
Check out our Coronavirus Directory 2.0 to see how you can support independents whilst we’re in tier 3.
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